Archives par mot-clé : Europe

Deborah Simonton and Anne Montenach (eds), Female Agency in the Urban Economy: Gender in European Towns, 1640-1830

Cher(e)s collègues,

j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution d’un ouvrage collectif consacré à la place des femmes dans l’économie des villes européennes (1640-1830).
Bien cordialement,
Anne Montenach
Aix-Marseille Université

Deborah Simonton and Anne Montenach (eds),

Female Agency in the Urban Economy: Gender in European Towns, 1640-1830

New York, Routledge, 2013

Table of contents

1. Introduction: Gender, Agency and Economy: Shaping the Eighteenth-Century European Town Anne Montenach and Deborah Simon-ton

Part 1: Markets and Brokerage

2. Legal Trade and Black Markets: Foodtrades in Lyon in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries Anne Montenach

3. On the Streets and in the Markets: Independent Copenhagen Saleswomen Carol Gold

4. Makeshift, Women and Capability in Pre-Industrial European Towns Laurence Fontaine

5. Women Patients in the English Urban Medical Marketplace in the Long Eighteenth Century Marjo Kaartinen

Part 2: Negotiating the Urban Economy

6. Widows and Wenches: Single Women in Eighteenth-Century Urban Economies Deborah Simonton

7. Guilds, Gender Policies and Economic Opportunities for Women in Early Modern Dutch Towns Danielle van den Heuvel

8. Women Working in Guild Crafts: Female Strategies in Early Modern Urban Economies Anna C. Fridrich

9. Legal Regulation in Eighteenth-Century Cologne: The Agency of Female Artisans Muriel González Athenas

Part 3: Gender, Agency and Relationships in the Urban Economy

10. Gender and Urban Land in Swedish Towns Åsa Karlsson Sjögren

11. Everyday Politics: Power Relations of Urban Female Servants in the Finnish City of Turku in the 1780s Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen

12. Women on Their Way: Employment Opportunities in Cosmopolitan Rome Eleonora Canepari

13. The Chosen Ones: Godmotherhood as a Networking Strategy in the Merchant Community of Pori, 1765-1820 Jarkko Keskinen

Afterword Anne Montenach and Deborah Simonton


‘This collection broadens our knowledge about women in 18th-century towns by extending the geographic focus to Scandinavia and central Europe. The contributors examine women’s experiences and contributions to a variety of urban settings and provide insight into women’s roles as financial brokers, peddlers, migrants, medical consumers, and landholders. The essays put gender squarely at the center of the development of European towns.’ – Amy Froide, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA


Call for Papers : Work and Property in Europe (1500-1900) Toward a Connected history.

Michela Barbot (ENS Cachan, Paris), Fabrice Boudjaaba (CRH-EHESS Paris), Andrea Caracausi
(University of Padua), Luca Mocarelli (Bicocca University, Milan)

Session Proposal for the European Social Science History Conference (Wien, 23-26 April 2014)
“Labour” and “Economics”


Work and Property in Europe (1500-1900): Toward a Connected History

General Aims of the Project
Over the last decades the history of property rights and the history of work have been deeply renewed.
Recent investigations have challenged the traditional idea that the rise of European capitalism was due
to a linear transition from ‘non-private’ to ‘private’ property and from ‘non-commodified’ to
‘commodified’ labour (Grossi 1992; Brass, Van der Linden 1997; Steinfeld 2001). Different
institutional forms coexisted indeed for many centuries, far beyond the Industrial Revolution.
Despite this new evidence, few studies have analysed the historical evolution of work and property
together. This absence is regrettable. Work and property were indeed both at the basis of the social
inclusion, citizenship rights and other fundamental institutional devices which are usually considered as
typical of the economic growth and political modernity. Therefore an analysis that jointly investigates
the evolution of the forms of property and work could significantly help to better clarify the historical
mechanisms of development and modernization.
Following this perspective several key questions remain still open. They can be summarized as follow:
how did ‘work’ and ‘property’ as historical institutions reciprocally interact, and, in turn, which were
the socioeconomic implications of this interaction? This macro-session aims to answer to these
questions, investigating the relationship between labour and property using a wide European
comparison and a long-term perspective, since the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century.
This wide perspective will allow us to evaluate the impact on ownership and work practices of some
outstanding legal changes, such as the movement of English enclosures, the 1804 French Civil Code, or
the Second Serfdom in the Eastern Europe.
Starting from the main research questions sketched above, we welcome papers articulated around three
major research lines, which reflect three different sub-sessions:
Sub-session 1. Communities, households, individuals
In this first research sub-session we encourage papers dealing with the analysis of the role of the
various historical property regimes (private, collective, dissociated, etc.) and labour relations (free and
unfree labour; reciprocal and wage labour) in the (supposed) process of ‘emancipation’ of individuals
from family or communities. More specifically, we would like to understand: (a) If, and how were the
forms of work and property based on the model of the domestic household and (b) how did the
relations between household systems, property regimes and labour organisations evolve across
Sub-session 2. Appropriations, dispossession, capabilities
Until recently, the history of the industrial revolution has been seen as a process of dispossession
started in Europe since the agricultural enclosures. Following this interpretation, the closure of open
fields had two main effects: the spread of a culture of a ‘full owner’ and the transformation of a mass of
landless peasants excluded from their communities into an exploited and unskilled working class. In
our opinion, this too rigid interpretation could be questioned. We argue that the integration of wage
labour in a series of rules and contractual arrangements may have contributed to the development of a
set of individual or collective ‘capabilities’ (in line with the interpretation of Amartya Sen), which were
able to generate inclusion and improve labour skills rather than create division, separation or
exploitation. The two main questions here will be: (a) how did property rights and labour relations help,
or dampen, the process of acquisition of skills in the various times and context? (b) Was there a
relationship between the fragility/imperfection/uncertainty of property rights and the ‘precariousness’
in labour relations? How did the status of owners interact with the professional status?
Sub-session 3. Embeddedness, evaluation and commodification
A third line of research would test the (‘supposed’) progressive depersonalization and commodification
of economic relations in property and labour systems. The basic question can be expressed as follow:
the Polanyi’s hypothesis concerning the “disembeddedness” of the economy from society starting back
from the Industrial Revolution can be proved comparing and connecting the histories of property and
work? The authors are invited to reflect on these points: (1) when, how and why did the work turn into
a commodity? (2) Did the emergence of full private property have some effects on contractual
conditions and negotiations between employers and employees in labour relations, especially in term of
wages fixation and working times?
We welcome both micro-historical studies on single cities or communities and macro-approaches on
entire regions and States. From a micro perspective, our aim is to compare urban and rural contexts, in
order to understand when and how the so-called ‘modern’ concepts of property and work appeared first.
From a macro perspective, we would explore the property and labour ‘divergences’ within Europe, in
order to better highlight the role played by these two institutions in the supposed ‘Great Divergence’
between continental Europe and Great Britain, as well as between Eastern and Western Europe.
Authors should indicate in which sub-session the paper refers.
Abstracts (100-500 words) and one-half page CV have to be sent by 25 April 2013 to:

Conférence: Comptes et profits marchands d’Europe et d’Amériques, 1650-1850 / Merchant accounting and profits in Europe and the Americas, 1650-1850 (8-10 juin 2011)

Conférence internationale, Paris 8, 9 et 10 juin 2011

Qu’est-ce que le commerce et le profit à l’Âge du Commerce (XVIIe-premier XIXe siècles) ?

Comment comprendre la construction et le fonctionnement de l’activité commerciale, moteur de l’expansion coloniale européenne à travers l’Atlantique, et le reste du monde? A l’examen, ce commerce révèle des aspects mal conceptualisables à travers les outils théoriques de l’économie contemporaine. Ce colloque cherchera à explorer de nouveaux angles d’approches: penser le profit comme jugement qualitatif en lien avec le crédit et la réputation, les réseaux interpersonnels comme des stratégies d’accès au crédit et à la protection contre le risque, repérer les contraintes, économiques ou non économiques, et les discours qui les élucident, tenter de comprendre comment les échelles de qualité de produits sont articulées au cadre institutionnel de contrôle de qualité des États modernes, en dépit de l’apparente imprécision des mots, cartographier enfin les choix stratégiques et tactiques à travers la confrontation de toutes les sources disponibles, des livres de comptes aux correspondances…

Pour plus d’informations sur le programme.

Colloque: Les organisations patronales en Europe: genèse et morphologies originelles (XIXe-XXe siècles)

9 et 10 juin 2010

Universités de Paris I-Sorbonne et de Paris-Cités-Paris XIII


Jeudi 9 juin 2011 : Université de Paris 13, Amphi Euler

8h45 Accueil des participants

9h-9h15 Ouverture du colloque par Ariane Desporte, vice-présidente de l’Université  de Paris 13

9h15-9h40 Introduction Danièle Fraboulet, Université de Paris 13

9h40-13h   1e session : Les organisations patronales faîtières

Présidence Danièle Fraboulet, Université de Paris 13

9h40-10h10 Danièle Fraboulet Présentation synthétique et transversale des communications

10h10-10h25 Clotilde Druelle-Korn, Université de Limoges, et  Béatrice Touchelay, Université de Paris 12

De la CGPF au CNPF : la permanence d’une impulsion gouvernementale ?

10h25-10h40 Pierre Eichenberger, Université de Lausanne :

L’Union Centrale des Associations Patronales Suisses (UCAPS) : Genèse, Morphologie et Fonction d’une organisation faîtière du patronat suisse

10h40-10h55 Sébastien Guex et Malik Mazbouri, Université de Lausanne :

De l’Association des Représentants de la Banque en Suisse (1912) à l’Association Suisse des Banquiers (1919). Genèse, morphologie et fonctions de l’organisation faîtière du secteur bancaire suisse.

10h55-11h05 Pause

11h05-11h20 Cédric Humair, Université de Lausanne

Du libéralisme manchestérien au capitalisme organisé : genèse, structuration et spécificités de l’organisation patronale suisse (1860-1914)

11h20-11h35 Werner Bührer, Université de Munich

German Business Organizations’s genesis (late 19 th)

11h35-11h50 Fernando Salsano, Luiss Université de Rome

Genesis, historic form and structure of Associazione fra le società italiane per azioni (Assonime)

11h50- 12h05 Hélène Michel, IEP de Strasbourg, et Sylvain Laurens, Université de Limoges

Trade and business organisations au niveau européen : développement et institutionnalisation d’une forme de représentation des intérêts patronaux

12h05-12h20 Michel Offerlé, ENS-CMH

Autour de la genèse du MEDEF

12h20-13h Discussion

13h-14h30 Déjeuner

14h30-17h30  2e session : Les organisations patronales régionales

Présidence Sébastien Guex, Université de Lausanne

14h30-15h Sébastien Guex Présentation synthétique et transversale des communications

15h-15h15 Fiametta Berardo, Université de Liège

Genèse et forme des organisations patronales dans le nord d’Italie : le cas du département de Cuneo

15h15-15h30 Franz Clément, REPREM, CEPS/INSTEAD, Luxembourg

Les organisations patronales au Luxembourg et dans la Grande Région

15h30-15h45 A.M. Locatelli, Université de Milan

Notes on Entrepreneurial Associations in Lombardy from the last decades of the 19th Century to the World War I

15h45-16h  Philip Ollerenshaw, University of the West of England Bristol

Business and  trade associations in the North of Ireland, 1870-1945

16h-16h15 Pause

16h15-16h30 Paolo Tedeschi, Geoffrey J. Pizzorni, Université de Milan-Bicocca

Notes on the Milanese Business and Trade Associations from the last decades of the 19th Century to the European Recovery Program

16h30-16h45 Pilar  Calvo Caballero, Universidad de Valladolid

Origine, organisation, fonctionnement et représentativité des organisations patronales en Castille et Léon (España), 1876-1931

16h45-17h30 Discussion

Vendredi 10 juin : Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, salle Marc Bloch (esc. C, 2e étage)

9h-12h30    3e session : Les organisations patronales sectorielles (XIXe-début XXe siècle)

Présidence Michel Margairaz, Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne

9h-9h30 Michel Margairaz, Présentation synthétique et transversale des communications

9h30-9h45 Guillaume Wroblewski, Université de Valenciennes

Des naissances avortées : les sociétés industrielles de Reims et d’Amiens (1836-1847)

9h45-10h Pierre Vernus Université de Lyon 2

L’émergence du syndicalisme patronal dans les industries lyonnaises de la soie : l’Association de la Fabrique lyonnaise et l’Union des marchands de soie (fin des années 1860 – années 1890)

10h-10h15  Raymond Dartevelle, Université Paris 1 – IDHE-CNRS

La structuration des organisations patronales françaises d’assurances interbranches (années 1880-années 1920) : aux sources d’une entente corporative

10h15-10h30 Pause

10h30-10h45 Pierre Chancerel, Université de Picardie – Jules Verne

Le Comité central des négociants importateurs de charbon en France

10h45-11h Stéphane Palaude, Université de Lille III, Président de l’Association de médiatisation des arts du verre

Le Groupe des Verreries Champenoises, Syndicat méconnu des fabricants de bouteilles à vins de Champagne 1899-1939

11h-11h15 Christian Borde, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale

Le Comité Central des Armateurs de France au service de ses adhérents, 1903-1928

11h15-12h Discussion

12h-13h30 Déjeuner

13h30-17h15  4e session : Les organisations patronales, secteurs, produits et genres (seconde moitié du XXe siècle)

Présidence Olivier Dard, Université de Metz

13h30-14h Olivier Dard, Présentation synthétique et transversale des communications

14h-14h15 Déborah Flusin-Fleury, Université de Reims

L’organisation des employeurs publics en Europe : sociogenèse du Centre Européen des Entreprises Publiques (Ceep)

14h15-14h30 Andrea Zanini, University of Genoa,  et Marco Teodori, University of Rome

Business associations in the tourism sector: the case of the Italian hotel industry (1890s-1960s)

14h30-14h45 Pause

14h45-15h Marion Rabier, ENS / EHESS / CNRS

La construction d’un espace de la représentation d’un patronat féminin, des années 1920 aux années 2000

15h-15h15 Jean Charest et Mélanie Laroche, École de relations industrielles, Université de Montréal, Rob Hickey, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University

Les logiques de représentation et d’action patronale au Canada

15h15-15h30 Discussion

15h30-16h30 Conclusions Youssef Cassis, Institut européen de Florence


Université de Paris 13, 99 av. JB Clément, 93430 Villetaneuse / Gare du Nord (banlieue, quai 30 à 36), arrêt : Epinay-Villetaneuse (10mn de la gare du Nord), Navette (sortie Gare) : bus n° 156, 354, 356. A la sortie du bus, prendre à droite, bâtiment au bout du parking 3.

Université de Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne, 17 rue  de la Sorbonne, RER Luxembourg, bus 21, 27, 38, 84, 85


Entrée libre et gratuite

Inscription obligatoire auprès de

Houda Schiratti,, Tel : 01 49 40 40 42

Call for papers: « Cultures of Consumption in Asia and Europe »

Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”
24.07.2011-29.07.2011, Heidelberg, Karl Jaspers Center for Advanced
Transcultural Studies

Deadline: 31.05.2011

The Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” at Heidelberg University welcomes applications for its Summer School 2011 from graduate students in humanities and social sciences with an interest in transcultural studies. It will take place from July 24 to 29 in Heidelberg, Germany.

This year’s Summer School “Cultures of Consumption in Asia and Europe” will explore the meaning and significance of consumption in the past and present as a crucial link between Europe and Asia. Although ‘consumer society’ has become a prominent term for the description of the ways of life connected with a globalized modernity, the particular mode of experience and of interaction with things to which it points is neither exclusively modern nor exclusively occidental. Referring to the recent innovative insights from cultural and economic history, social sciences and anthropology, together with the expertise of foremost scholars working on both European and Asian themes, the aim of the programme is to gain a truly transcultural grasp of respective cultures of consumption.

The programme is designed to provide stimulating opportunity to get new inspiration for graduate work, exchange ideas on the topics of one’s research and actively engage with an international group of peers as well as renowned scholars. The confirmed speakers include Joanna Elfving-Hwang (Frankfurt), Sheldon Garon (Princeton), Manpreet Janeja (Cambridge), Robert Hellyer (Wake Forest), Angus Lockyer (SOAS London), Seoungsook Moon (Vassar College), Francoise Sabban (EHESS Paris), and from the University of Heidelberg Rudolf G. Wagner, Christiane Brosius, Harald Fuess, Katja Patzel-Mattern, David Mervart and Mio Wakita.

In addition to the academic programme, a range of excursions and leisure activities in and around the city of Heidelberg is on offer, including a guided city tour, visit of the German Packaging Museum and a beer tasting event.

Prospective participants should send their application together with a letter of motivation by May 31, 2011 to the address summerschool [at] asia-europe [point] uni-heidleberg [point]  de.

For detailed schedule and session topics of Summer School 2011 see

See also:

Compte-rendu Journées de travail “European External Trade Statistics, 1700-1830” 11 et 12 mars 2011

Cher(e)s collègues,

Le 11 et 12 mars ont eu lieu à l’université Lille-I deux journées de travail sur les statistiques du commerce extérieur entre 1700 et 1830.
Ces journées étaient organisées par Loïc Charles et moi-même.

Je vous joins une rapide présentation de ces journées et leur programme. Une partie des intervenants a accepté de rendre publiques leurs interventions. Vous les trouverez ici :

Je suis à votre disposition pour vous donner plus de renseignements sur ce projet.


Guilaume Daudin

European External Trade Statistics, 1700-1830

Lille-I, March 11th-March 12th 2011


Loïc Charles and Guillaume Daudin

The structural changes of the eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century, including the Industrial Revolution, finally led to the establishment of our modern economies. However, the ongoing discussion about the Great Divergence between Europe and Asia shows that the nature and the immediate causes of these structural changes are still a matter of debate among economists and historians. This workshop initiates a research program that would reconsider these issues from the perspective of the external trade data collected by early modern states either for fiscal reasons or with the objective of constructing trade statistics.

March 11th

10 am-11.30: France and the Austrian Netherlands
Loïc Charles (INED / Reims), Ann Coenen (Anvers), Guillaume Daudin (Lille)

12.00-1.30pm: Britain and Austria
David Jacks (Simon Fraser), Klemens Kaps (Vienna)

2.30pm-4: Western Atlantic
Javier Cuenca-Esteban (Waterloo), Alejandra Irigoin (LSE)

4.30-6.00: Portugal and the Netherlands
Cristina Moreira (Minho), Werner Scheltjens (Groningen)

March 12th

9.00am-10.30: Italy
Andrea Caracausi (Padua), Giovanna Tonelli (Milano)

11.00-12.30: Eastern Europe
Szymon Kazusek (Kielce), Cristian Luca (Dunarea de Jos Galati)

1.30pm-3.00: Historical statistics from the perspective of contemporary economics
Jérôme Héricourt (Lille), Jean-Jacques Nowak (Lille), Michel Fouquin (CEPII)

3.00-4.00: Further research and collaboration, especially regarding other databases: common questions and useful bridges?
Michael Seeruys (Leiden) Sylvia Marzagalli (Nice)