Retailing and Distribution before 1600

The CHORD conference on : ‘Retailing and Distribution before 1600’ will take place at the University of Wolverhampton on 15 September 2016.

The programme, together with abstracts, registration details and further information, can be found at:

The programme includes:

Graham Barton, University of Gloucestershire, UK | Images of Roman Retailers

Stuart Brookes, UCL Institute of Archaeology, UK | Reassessing the transport geography of early medieval England

Luca Clerici, University of Padova, Italy & École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France | Provisioning the marketplace: shoppers, hucksters, and direct sellers in early modern Italy (Vicenza, sixteenth century)

Emilie Fiorucci, European University Institute, Italy | Disciplining trade: the statutes of the Venetian mercers’ guild in the 16th century

Zoe Hudson, University of Kent, UK | The Shopping Networks of Richard Stonley

Una McIlvenna, University of Kent, UK | The street singer of news in early modern Europe

Eljas Oksanen, Portable Antiquities Scheme, British Museum, UK | Medieval Markets and Fairs seen through the Portable Antiquities Scheme Data

Mark Page, Victoria County History of Oxfordshire, UK | Who were the shopkeepers of medieval England?

Bethany Pleydell, University of Bristol, UK | ‘A most necessary forreyne commodytie for the lande’: Spanish Leather Exports for an English Market, c.1554-1600

Catherine Richardson, University of Kent, UK | ‘buy mee a close stoole at london’: domestic shopping between London and the provinces

Martin Roberts, independent researcher and consultant on the Pewter Wreck project, UK | The Overseas Trade of London’s Pewterers in the first half of the 16th Century – evidence from shipwrecks and the archives.

Tabitha Stanmore, University of Bristol / University of Exeter, UK | Make it rain: cunning folk and the sale of magical services in England,

Kate Kelsey Staples, West Virginia University, US | Materiality and Meaning: Goods as Legal and Cultural Currency

Philip Tromans, De Montfort University, UK | Inside Elizabethan Bookshops

Paul Williams, University of Exeter, UK | Shop Fines in Early Tudor Exeter

The conference will be held at the University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton City Campus.

The fee is £22.

For further information and to register, please see the conference web-pages, at:

Or contact Laura Ugolini, at:

Information about CHORD events can also be found here:

Nicolas Marty

Nicolas Marty Professeur des Universités histoire Contemporaine, Catedràtic d'història contemporània Université de Perpignan, Universitat de Perpinyà

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