Call for Digital Humanities Projects – Competition

A new competition entitled “the AFHE Prizes in Digital Humanities” is organized at the 2022 WEHC in Paris, in order to reward digital humanities projects in the field of economic history. The competition, organized and funded by the Association Française d’Histoire Économique (AFHE) under the patronage of the IEHA, is open to all researchers and institutions. It offers the opportunity to promote ongoing and achieved projects involving new technologies in economic history.
A special session will give the opportunity for each selected candidate or team to present their project during a 15-minute presentation. Furthermore, candidates will have the opportunity to display their projects on a large video screen in the Research Library Building at Campus Condorcet.
The competition is divided into two categories: “Science Outreach” and “Research”
The AFHE jury will assess the proposals that will be presented during the Congress and give a 400-Euro award to the best project of each category. The call for submission will be open from April 1, 2021 until December 1, 2021. Selections will be announced by January 15, 2022.

Science outreach 

We welcome all proposals based on a digital support dedicated to the popularization of knowledge, data and heritage collections for large audiences in the field of economic history. Accepted formats include: blogs & websites, videos, interactive educational video games, computer graphics, academic documentaries, digitization projects, apps, or other digital supports.

Digital Innovation & Research

We welcome all propositions from researchers using new digital tools (websites, software, apps, databases, etc.) and methods (mapping and spatial technologies, data visualisation, text encoding and analysis, network analysis, digitisation projects… etc) in the field of economic history. All kinds of academic research : published papers, dissertations, funded projects… etc will be accepted. 

How to apply

If you are interested in participating in the digital humanities projects, please submit on a proposal containing your name, email address and institutional affiliation, the proposed title of the project, a 2,000-word essay presenting the research, an abstract of the digital contents (max 400 words) and a link towards your realisation or your ongoing project. Accepted supports should fit an on-screen presentation.


Association française d'histoire économique (AFHE)

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